Honor And Praise Given to An Apostate District Superintendent Who Promotes Same Sex Marriage

Because of what has happened recently in the Hawaii District, as well as in the Holland District and other places, it can be assumed that apostasy and heresy can be allowed in the Church of the Nazarene to go unpunished. Not only that, apostasy will be rewarded! Standards written in the Manual no longer matter. It is simply hypocrisy.

Welcome to the world of “evil being associated with holiness”, and “good becomes evil” in the Church of the Nazarene. Here is the current status of Rick Power and Will Campbell from the Hawaii District:
– Will Campbell, who performed a same sex marriage, is still a pastor in good standing.
– Rick Power, who believes homosexuality is not a sin is still an ordained elder in good standing in the church.
Neither of these men have repented, nor shown any remorse, for their actions and beliefs.

The “honor and praise” of an apostate continues within the Church of the Nazarene after Rick Power was honored at First Nazarene Church in Hawaii. Some of the honor and praise has come from Nazarene pastors and leaders who know better. Below is the text from a FaceBook post made by a pastor congratulating Rick Power on his “faithful” service to the Church of the Nazarene. I have also followed with comments by other Nazarene “leaders” who either don’t know of Power’s rebellion against God’s word, or they are complicit in their support of his “doctrines of demons.” (All these comments are public).

Comment on some of Gary Morsch’s words:
1. “The foundation he has laid [at Olathe Church]”.  I have heard from a number of Nazarenes who attended Olathe during Rick Power’s tenure. The general description was that Rick Power devastated that church. According to the official Nazarene website, weekly attendance dropped every year, from 2,377 in 2010 to 1,629 in 2016.

2. “As Rick is pushed out of the church”; “what a loss for the Church of the Nazarene.”
Morsch apparently believes that the retirement of a pastor who has full pension, and who promotes same sex marriage and also thinks homosexuality is not a sin, equates to a loss for the church. Morsch also wrongfully suggests that Phineas Bresee and John Wesley would have joined along in these heresies that are destroying the church.

3. “Dee Kelly and Tom Oord and Rick Power are only the first of many clergy who will be marginalized by the Church of the Nazarene.”
Mr. Morsch exposes his further support for additional heretics in the church. However, if they do become truly marginalized- by having their credentials removed- that would be the right thing to do.

Comments From Various Nazarene “Leaders” About Rick Power

Below are screenshots of statements made to or about Rick Power by various Nazarene leaders, from a former General Superintendent, to a college president, a seminary president, a theology department head, and various leaders and pastors in the church. Besides being given a free pass, Rick Power is being portrayed by some of these people as even a “martyr” of some kind, who has been wronged by the so-called “fundamentalists”, as a few others have commented. A heretic is being given “double honor!”

Dan Boone (President of Trevecca Nazarene University) says to Rick Power “You walk in the way of our Lord.”  Jerry Porter (General Superintendent Emeritus) says “we honor you for your ministry over the years.” Brent Peterson (Dean of Theology at Northwest Nazarene University)  says “thank you for your faithfulness to the church.” Dean Fleming (Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Mount Vernon Nazarene University) says “he is one of the most gifted preachers of God’s word.” Montague Williams (Professor at Point Loma Nazarene University) says “I’m thankful for the way you’ve faithfully led in ministerial leadership and overall way of life.”

These are “clouds without water.” This is all an indication of the moral corruption and compromise that has infiltrated the church. These leaders know better. If Rick Power can be celebrated in such a way, while people turn their eyes away from the damage he has caused, then anything goes now in the Church of the Nazarene.  There is no leadership anymore; no voice or significant action from the top leaders on this. The General Superintendents are weak, or even worse, some may be complicit in allowing apostasy an open door to feed on the flock. What a total disgrace.

Perhaps some of you may want to ask each of these people, especially if you know them personally, this question: “Why is a former District Superintendent and currently an ordained elder allowed to retain his ordination credentials, when he has clearly violated Biblical and Nazarene standards?

Dan Boone, President of Trevecca Nazarene University

Jerry Porter, General Superintendent Emeritus

Brent Peterson, Dean, College of Theology, Northwest Nazarene University  

Jeren Rowell, President of Nazarene Theological Seminary

Dean Fleming, Professor Emeritus at Mid-America Nazarene University

Montague Williams, Professor at Point Loma Nazarene University

David Smart, Music Educator at Mid-America Nazarene University

Wally Jerry Wallentine, Nazarene Pastor

Lora Stadler Wooster, Nazarene Pastor / former adjunct professor at Nazarene Bible College

Jason Veach, former Nazarene, now a pastor in the Anglican Church

John Tader, Nazarene Pastor

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One response to “Honor And Praise Given to An Apostate District Superintendent Who Promotes Same Sex Marriage

  1. My father served on the East Ohio District (formerly Akron District) for many years with Floyd Fleming (Dean’s father) and I am shocked and sadden at the supporting statement Dean gave. His father was a strong and consistent man of God. How far the next generation has gone. I am so saddened to see that statement.

    13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14.

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