How Should We Then Respond:

A Position Paper for These Days in the Church of the Nazarene Regarding the LBGTQ Issue of Inclusion vs. Affirmation (By Micah Rogers)

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Invariably when and as a person writes something of this nature, there are those who will ask some probing questions, and perhaps even make some assumptions about the author (in this case me) regarding the rationale for even writing such a project. They will question the great amount of time being invested in something like this, as well as why one would even desire to do so. Finally, they will ask who the audience is intended or sought for with this paper.  To all of that, and even more, I cannot begin to give a full nor completely satisfactory answer to anyone, much less everyone.  With this shared, let me give just a bit of answer to these potential and perhaps probable questions. 

First, to be very direct and very and unapologetically frank with all who read this: I am writing this to be speaking to the issue at hand as a pastor who is grieved to the heart that this is even a conversation being dealt with IN THIS WAY.  I do not question that the Church at large – including the Church of the Nazarene – must respond to the LGBTQ+ community in ways that must reach out to them in their (what I and I believe the Bible to call) sin, but with the grace of the Good News of the Gospel and not first and foremost with condemnation. The Scriptures condemn the sin, and do not give affirmation in the same context of the current and divisive nature of the meaning (i.e., of the word affirmation) to bring all into the Church membership.  The Scriptures speak to this lifestyle as sin. Even with this absolute, some have been so bold (and what I would term in great error) to see the LGBTQ+ lifestyle as THEIR choice that is HEALTHY, and acceptable as it pertains to their spiritual standing with God.  This perspective is shared in response to my heart being unable to escape this great need – to have an ordained clergy address it is what I have prayed about, and then tried to be centrist and biblically founded. Jeremiah 4:19 has convicted me: “My anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain! Oh the walls of my heart! My heart is beating wildly; I cannot keep silent, for I hear the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war” (ESV). Hence, my heart will not release me, and I DO hear the sound of war against the ecumenical church as well as the Church of the Nazarene, as threatened and being waged upon her IF we as an ecumenical community – as well as specific denominational “nation” – do not give in.  Personally, I have encountered it when I have refused to perform a wedding for persons within this community, even in a state where it is allowed. Gratefully, God has delivered me from recourse against me then, and I truly believe that when and as we stand strong, stand firm, and follow the teachings of the words of Paul (1 Corinthians 16:13), God WILL deliver all of the ecumenical church as well.  Further, I truly believe that the “gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

Second, and this one may well offend many at the outset but so be it. I am privileged to know and be connected to scores of people across denominational lines, so my “network” of believers is a bit broader than many of you. In that connection I have heard much criticism of the leadership of the Church of the Nazarene for “not acting”, questioning of “where is the leadership” and more. 

I understand that these concerns are being greatly felt and pointedly expressed.  My great heartbreak is this: I hear questions about the leadership, criticism toward the leadership, and statements that reflect “going it alone” apart from the leadership yet hear very little of praying FOR the leadership while praying and being bold ABOUT the issue at hand.  That, at least to me, is also sin. If I may, let me ask this: Have those who are most critical of the leadership, sent statements to your own church leaders as a statement of support of them and the difficult position that this issue has put them in?  MANY of them ARE trying to be faithful regarding their incredibly hard job. Thus, sharing your love to them and prayer for them is so needed, hoped for, and sought BY them.  As addressed herein, perhaps we could all say that the issue could have been handled differently in the past, yet NOW is the time to be in the present, to be faithful in the call of God, and to preserve the future.  In short, I say this: It is time that we ALL stand strong and BE the call of God on us!  There is agreement from me that we can and must evaluate how this was dealt with, why it was able to gain traction, and take preventative measures so no other issue liken to this or any other issue in conflict with Scripture can ever gain traction again. Now and with that shared, let us all be holy in grace, broken in prayer, and faithful in call to “Preach the Word. Be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching” (2 Timothy 4:2, ESV).   

As a side note, the question has been asked how I would have chosen to deal with this issue. My answer is this: With grace, with Godliness, with faithfulness to the Word, and with broken-ness that it even must be dealt with yet without relenting. I will share this as well: I hold that no one can know exactly how they (themselves) would have handled it all in the fullness of the impact the leadership has been inundated with, unless they were in the full awareness and involvement of the issue from the beginning. Any of us can say there were, and are, other and different ways to handle this and that Biblically. Still, let’s apply Isaiah 43:18: “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old” (ESV). Why? So we WILL and CAN experience the following verse of Isaiah 43:19: “BEHOLD, I AM doing a NEW thing, NOW it springs forth, do YOU not perceive it? I WILL make a way IN the wilderness and rivers IN the desert.” (ESV, emphasis mine). Note some things please:

  • Get beyond the past – even the knowledge that this issue has had many things occur that allowed it to take root. 
  • The great I AM IS doing a NEW thing among and through us IF we will possess HIS Word as OUR plan: A NEW way even in THIS wilderness and NEW rivers even in THIS desert.
  • The command is to remember not the THINGS of old, but nowhere herein, or in the whole of Scripture are we told to “Remember not the same JEHOVAH OF OLD.”  It’s now time to move – boldly, forward, concisely, biblically, and in the knowledge and presence of the Holy Spirit!
  • Finally, accept that this SAME I AM can, and will preserve HIS church, and MAKE US STRONGER and MORE RESILIENT in our holiness message, in holding to Scripture, and thus be bringing glory to God. The ecumenical community as well as the secular community are looking for OUR church to lead, but also to see US be so dependent on GOD that we will be THE voice and be unified as the voice of transformative Grace of God FROM this sin.

Third, to the intended audience let me share this:  It is for and to anyone who is dealing with this issue: All members of The General Board, District Boards, College / University Boards, pastors, and laymen in the Church of the Nazarene – and ecumenically – who are dealing with this issue personally, directly, magisterially, or questioning in any way. I will also share that there are those within other associations and denominations that are watching our church, as well as asking me about my own theology and response.  So, to those groups and churches, I encourage you to be part of the “audience” of this project as well. You are loved, prayed for, and supported as you endeavor to be true to the Word of God in this issue.

Now let me give the reader a bit of outline, and that very briefly. First there will be an introduction wherein I try to share a brief history, some of the ongoing dealing with the issue, at least some of the magnitude of involvement of the leadership that is involved, and more. Second, I try to share the Biblical position on this issue, why we hold to this Biblical position, and then address the issue head on regarding this sinful lifestyle, upon which the Church of the Nazarene and her Manual stands. Third, I attempt to get very practical and apply why and how we stand on this issue as it relates to membership, ministers, discipleship, and that not only Biblically, but also practically. Finally, I try to propose solutions. I do not feel it wise nor Scriptural to find an issue, explain a point of reference, and not just responses. 

This said, I am NOT defending the issue at hand, nor (as some have tried to say) blindly defending the Church of the Nazarene, other sister churches, nor the leadership therein. What is being done and attempted is to be true to discovery, truth, and defense of the Gospel.  I try to give a perspective that seems to have been lost, thus drawing from my background that is cited herein, in leadership within secular, medical, and other church entities at the rough equivalent of what the Church of the Nazarene calls a District Superintendent (i.e., Executive State Elder), as a pastor, and finally at the foundation of it all as a Biblically centered believer in Jesus. In so doing, I truly feel that the Scriptures, the Manual, and in large part the leadership of the Church of the Nazarene needs no defense as all stand alone on their own merit without my defense of any of them – which I have tried to outline herein. I do not ask the reader to agree with me in totality, or even agree with me at all. I DO ask that you would go on this journey with me, in prayer, and be seeking for the revealed mind of God and HIS perspective as revealed in Scripture FIRST, and then on this journey (second) as it relates to this issue.

Be Blessed


In the course of time over many months to years, there have been scores, if not countless positions, opinions, and even perspectives of what should be done, and how the leadership in the Church of the Nazarene (COTN) should lead and respond, regarding the LGBTQ+ issues that church pastors, as well as Professor Dr. (Thomas J.) Oord, et al, have articulated and supported. This, historically, has also included concerns that have been articulated, regarding many if not all levels of leadership within the COTN.  Often those things voiced include (i.e., coming from those who are sharing their perspective) how ALL levels of leadership should also speak, respond, and re-affirm the position of the COTN as it relates to this very powerful and cultural issue facing Christendom at large. These issues have been made known to many levels of leadership, inclusive of the Board of General Superintendents (BGS), General Advisory Board (GAB), District Superintendents (DS’s) and to those districts where these things have transpired and are occurring, many District Advisory Boards (DAB’s), and higher education institution boards and presidents.  This cannot be all inclusive, yet it addresses – in broad application and in part – those who are included in this issue, and in the question: “Where is the leadership in all of this?”

I cannot know your individual thoughts in full, nor your heart in full, but let me share with you a very vulnerable and transparent look at my heart, mind, and spirit as these things have unfolded and, in truth, have been building AND / OR ongoing for a number of years and quadrennials. The Church of the Nazarene – as well as many other Denominations, Associations, Independent Churches, Congregational Churches, and more across the board (as it were) in Christendom – have been dealing with the questions raised by many of how should Christendom of Bible professing, Evangelical Churches respond to this very weighty topic of how to treat, minister to, and reach out toward those in what is now known as the LGBTQ+ community and culture. By way of my own defense, no one paper can address all issues, nor can I address any issue in full measure, given I (for one) do not have all the “inside information” that some may well have.

Yet, all of those who DO have even SOME information have a perspective that influences their opinion of what should, or should not, have been done. Further, they have their own thoughts regarding what the subsequent response and responsibility of the COTN should and / or must be. Please, do not think negative of these people on this basis alone, as we ALL have our perspectives as well.  Further, while you or I may well have responded differently or more quickly, the past is now the past, the present is to be dealt with, and the future must be advocated for and defended as and from Biblical leaders, churchmanship faithfulness and, at the foundation of it all, Scriptural Holiness and teaching. Biblically, this is likened to the Bereans in Acts 17 who searched the Scriptures to see what the Biblical teaching both promotes and articulates. From this searching of Scriptures, let us proceed to simply and fully embrace the Biblical teaching. In short, let us be “Sola Scriptura” as the base and foundation for our response.

And therein lies the foundation of it all please: The BIBLICAL teaching of it all. As many of us can accept, including this pastor who chooses to be Bible based, the “HOW” we should respond MUST be based solely on Word of God – again Sola Scriptura – so we can embrace the purity and holiness of the Scriptures, and letting THIS be our guide.

Historically: The COTN has been a church that has, in many ways, been “top down” governed. What I am inferring by this, is the General Assemblies give the GSs – together with the GAB – decisions that are then given to the DS’s and DABs to implement and that, largely, based on the Manual and the General Assemblies across the years. From there the DAB’s and DS’s give direction to the local pastors and boards.  This is our government, as outlined in the Manual.  There is some flexibility built into this, as each DAB and DS has some flexibility of HOW to administer some of those decisions to give them the ability to – in principle and appearance – have some autonomy. This helps to allow the GS’s to be facilitating administration over districts and churches, without having to be directly and more minutely involved in fulfillment of those directives.  This actually is very good overall, as it frees the Denominational leaders to be overseers, and the district leaders to be implementers of the Manual – the polity of the COTN. Then, the local churches can have direction as to what is needed and expected, and then to develop strategies for implementation OF the polity and policies of the COTN, as stated IN the Manual, while also preaching, teaching, and training in the message and discipleship of holiness. Bottom Line: HOLINESS!

What is NOT flexible from a Denominational (and hence a Manual) perspective, is that the polity, policies, and theology ARE to be adhered to, implemented, and lived out even if that means the unfortunate response needed of adherence enforcement, regarding departure from the COTN and Manual by a local church, layman, or minister.  Overall, this is good. NO CHURCH OR DISTRICT wants an autocratic or dictatorial oversight, nor should any general leadership want to be “in charge” of districts and local churches given the immense headaches that would lead to. This ALSO promotes having a unity in the denomination of thought, process, theology, and governance of the COTN. While there are times that may well have resulted in decisions that have been (and are being) made, that may or should have been different, I for one am glad this is true – even despite some decisions and responses that have occurred in the past – as this has been developed over more than 100 years.  Further, this method and governance has been shown to be very fruitful and effective, results in unity of thought and doctrine, and is team focused of the general church, the district church, and the local church.

Sharing this hopefully and prayerfully helps us to understand that there is a process that HAS to be followed before the GAB and GSs become DIRECTLY involved (for the most part). Further there is a process that MUST be followed by the district – and the involved leadership team – to begin the process as well, even before the GAB and GS of jurisdiction can or should be fully involved in almost ALL issues. This is not said to imply that a GS cannot or should not be directly involved at a given point or issue earlier in the process – of which the GAB and GS’s HAVE been very directly involved already in this issue – but simply shares that the process must be followed and IS BEING followed even when it may appear – to some or many – that this is not the case. (Again, the GS’s have oversight, and are responsible for input, yet they too must follow the Manual in HOW they facilitate their ministry of leadership of the COTN.) Once that is done, and only AFTER that is done, are all GS’s and the GAB able to LEGALLY (i.e., by our POLITY) get FULLY involved with almost any issue.  Could it be done more directly and quickly? In some instance and for some things, the answer is obviously yes, and that particularly as it involves the theme and topic at hand. But please realize the magnitude of some of the issues are not only polity but also legal and therefore must be safeguarded.         

Regarding this last statement of being legally involved let me share this: If any action or interaction is not done in compliance with the polity and policy/ procedural ways as outlined by our Manual, this would vs. could “imprison” the General church in lawsuits for years, if a very methodical and very deliberate process were not followed. Further, this process must be followed to protect the church from legal recourse against it, with legal opinions, minutes kept, documents secured, and more. This, from a legal term, is working within and under the “veil of protection” – i.e., WHEN an organization (such as the COTN) follows very carefully and absolutely the policies, procedures, and polity as outlined in the Manual, including holding to the positions of the Manual, the COTN is protected all the more from legal recourse against them IF a person were to want or try to file lawsuits against it and that (especially) one within the membership of the COTN serving in any role – as a minister or layman. What this says, actually, is this: The GAB, GS’S, DAB’s, and DS’s – and all concerned – MUST be deliberate and fully compliant in HOW they deal with this issue of those cited above, and more (including those who do or may sympathize with those in the LGBTQ+ issues), so they are fully protecting of the COTN. In so doing, they are being stewards of shepherding and administration of the COTN at the Denominational level – as well as those districts and boards involved. This has seemed to have been agonizingly slow to many and appearing to not be leading in dealing with this issue or even pursuing the Manual. Yet and please note an important thought: that this IS an agonizingly slow process to be fully protecting of the Church. This said, and not in defense but in explanation: I have NO doubt that these documents and records have been produced and kept, especially given the magnitude of the issue and great threat to the COTN of potential lawsuits, given statements from those that have recently been disciplined PER THE MANUAL POLITY, and from those who suspect that they may also be disciplined (per the Manual Polity) about this very issue.

Of note: I am not asking anyone to change your perspective or your opinion, but at the outset, simply realize some of the magnitude of the issues is beyond “simply” acting on what many, if not all, already know WHAT must be done, but also MUST do it in the best and safest way.  Then, IF a lawsuit AGAINST the COTN is ATTEMPTED, ALL the “bridges” that needed to be crossed were crossed, and the church is protected as much as can be, i.e., from what is called the “veil of protection” from a legal perspective (as already shared).  I CAN AND DO share this important consideration, as a person who has been an executive state elder in another organization (a similar equivalent to being a DS in the COTN), as someone who has been in nursing practice and administration including legal adherence, and as well as one who has had the immense blessing and privilege of ministry that has connected with many denominations, associations, and affiliations that are part of the ecumenical church. Thus, while it may seem to be slow, or indecisive, it is correct to do this in this way!

Now to begin: The “Elephant in the Room”

The core of the LBGTQ+ discussion has been, and obviously are, two issues: First: Has the COTN changed its position of inerrancy of Scripture.  And Second: This is regarding the more recent events the LGBTQ+… issues involving, among others, Dr. Jay Oord, et al: The sanctioning, or apparent lack thereof, of these issues of those within the COTN who have spoken in SUPPORT of the LBGTQ+ agenda.

As to the first issue: the view of inerrancy. In the Articles of Faith, Section IV, paragraph 20.2, the statement is as follows: “The Old and New Testament Scriptures, given by plenary inspiration, contains all truth necessary to faith and Christian living.”  (Manual, 2017- Currently followed. This is further supported and re stated in the Articles of Faith, Article IV, “The Holy Scriptures”.) The quoted statement regarding “plenary inspiration”, is the one that gives more people concern than any other wording in this specific article of faith. Therefore, please let me try to help us all understand plenary inspiration. Plenary means “complete, or full”. To phrase it another way, the whole of Scripture is complete, and is full in all that God has designed to give us to know Him, know of Him, and is Holy.  It is without error in its dispensation from the heart of God and was instilled on the holy heart of holy men of God. It is, and was, written under the holy inspiration and direction on those holy hearts, of the holy men God chose, to KEEP it holy.  While there are those who may well disagree with me, this goes to support true inerrancy in this very absolute and critical definition: inerrancy of inspiration, from the Holy and inerrant God, and overseen with absolute direction from this same Holy and inerrant God, so that the writing is done without deviation or error by the man of God, regarding the message of God, and to the people of God. (Yes, that is long, but important to state!) This, to me, is of paramount importance theologically, denominationally, and as a churchman within the COTN. This does not attempt to imply that the Word of God reveals EVERYTHING about ALL THINGS, but is holy, and without error in the message given, as coming from the Holy and Inerrant Father God, for everything we must know for our Salvation. (As one example of not telling us everything about something recorded, the Scriptures share the name of only one of the persons on the road to Emmaus that met Jesus, not both. Thus, I would argue we are not in need of knowing the name of the second person, but the account of physically seeing Jesus, after the resurrection, is established by the witness and testimony of more than one person and that beyond the grave side witnesses. See Luke 24:13-35.)   

Thus, my position is this: The Bible is the Holy Word of God in all aspects: dates, events, words, message, names and people involved, and that in every aspect. For me or anyone to think anything less, is to hold a very dangerous position that there COULD be SOME way say that the Bible IS error and / or contains errors and, IF so, then the whole of the Bible MUST be questioned.  If the Word of God is not without error — even as noted above – then the coming of Jesus, the holiness of God, the redemption of the Blood of Jesus, the Cross, the resurrection, the “once for all time” sacrifice completed in Jesus (i.e., the atonement), the whole of the doctrine and existence of the Holy Spirit, the advocacy of Jesus at the right hand of God, the return of Jesus and, in truth the very existence of God, ALL must be questioned at best vs. fully discarded at worst as erroneous and a falsehood.  That is apologetically, philosophically, intellectually, psychologically, spiritually, and “just plain common sense” impossible to hold to. In an article by the Wesleyan Church (“Fulfilled” by Doug Schmidt, 2016), retired professor Dr. Peter Stoner is cited to have mathematically calculated the impossibility of just EIGHT prophesies to NOT be true. Dr. Stoner’s conclusion: ONE chance, in 10 to the 17th power. And that regarding only EIGHT prophesies, and not the WHOLE of prophesy. Thus, this SAME Bible that speaks of this SAME God, who is of this SAME holiness, and then the SAME word becoming flesh IS true, IS pure, and IS TO BE EMBRACED and FOLLOWED.

Now, look again at the citing from the Manual as above: The COTN HOLDS TO THIS SAME INERRANCY! Thank God for this church, that holds this position, of this critical and all true guiding Holy and thus Plenary Inspired Book of books, so that we can know the life for the true church to have, to hold, and to live by without compromise! (My southern roots say, “Take off ‘runnin and ‘shoutin!”) First Issue addressed!

NOW, the SECOND issue. Having established the mathematical absolute of the Bible being true, having plenary inerrancy established, AND having this position as being absolute as the position of the COTN, let us look at the controversy that the evangelical church – including the COTN – must work through, as well as the statements that the COTN has made and written regarding this issue addressed.

To lay groundwork, there are those who have questioned the position of the COTN as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community and their issues. The COTN addresses this issue in all Manuals.  Paragraph 31 (from the Manual, 2017-current) is far too long to quote here yet is clear. In Paragraph 31, sub section, “Sexual activity between people of the same sex”, the COTN has this position:

“Because we believe that it is God’s intention for our sexuality to be lived out in covenantal union between one woman and one man, we believe the practice of same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will for human sexuality. While a person’s homosexual or bi-sexual attraction may have complex and differing origins, and the implication of this call to sexual purity is costly, we believe the grace of God is sufficient for such a calling. We recognize the shared responsibility of the body of Christ to be a welcoming, forgiving, and loving community where hospitality, encouragement, transformation and accountability are available to all.” (Emboldening of text, mine).                                                        

Of importance in these statements are the following:

  1. The grace of God is sufficient to such a calling, to live in purity against same-sex intimacy.
  2. There is shared responsibility of the body of Christ, as a whole, to be redemptive in extending forgiveness, love, hospitality, encouragement AS WELL AS transformation and accountability to ALL.
  3. Nowhere in this statement, or in the Manual in any reference, does the COTN hold that the LGBTQ+… position of this lifestyle is anything EXCEPT sin. Further, the COTN does NOT believe that the participation in, or full acceptance of, this lifestyle should be contemplated, considered, nor done.  This is, from this pastor’s perspective, in full keeping with the Biblical teaching about this important and weighty issue.

Of a personal note: These statements tell all who would be part of the COTN, that this same COTN IS being gracious and IS being loving to share the transformational message of the Gospel in the life of any LGBTQ+, or ANY other sinful lifestyle, i.e., that there IS transformation FROM this (and other) sinful lifestyle(s) TO BE transformed into the life of discipleship, Jesus, done by God via the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so as to live apart from this and all (other) sinful lifestyles. Further, this IS Agape loving, as it is not abdicating the Gospel of transformation, but openly sharing this same Gospel to these who are in this lifestyle, and that without ostracizing them because of their lifestyle! 

In short, we cannot, and I will not, accept their sin of their practiced lifestyle, nor can we as a church or I as a Believer – much less a minister of the Gospel – fail to share that this LBGTQ+ lifestyle IS sin — because the Bible tells us so!

Yet and still, we are called to BE the ones who DO share the Gospel to ALL the world – including those in the LGBTQ+ community. And we are to be and do this for the glorious transformation from sin to grace, and into the discipleship life of following Jesus apart from this particular sin, and all other forms of sin. In short, the COTN is not isolating on the LGBTQ+ community but is actually inclusive of this community by BEING light, BEING salt, THROUGH SHARING the message of holiness and life transformation through the Blood of Jesus, and actively extending Discipleship living inclusive of the holiness experience of Sanctification!

In these statements, the COTN acknowledges the sin of same sex intimacy, and still calls it sin. Further, the COTN acknowledges a responsibility to, for, and by those in the LGBTQ+ community (AGAIN, this includes “ALL” other sin lifestyles, which does not isolate about or against the LGBTQ+ community).                             

As to the COTN:  those responsibilities include gracious and loving inclusion of hospitality and encouragement, while being coupled by and with preaching and teaching the transformation FROM this lifestyle, together with holding accountable FOR this lifestyle. As to those IN this lifestyle and sin, it is held that it is their personal responsibility to recognize the position of the COTN, as well as the teaching of Scripture on this lifestyle, and then to respond to these same Biblical teachings, if they are to be in the COTN as members, or in ministry.

OF NOTE: The COTN assumes NO oversight or responsibility for the individual response by anyone in the LBGQ+ lifestyle, nor does the COTN accept ANY responsibility of fully including anyone that is in this sinful lifestyle into the membership of the COTN. We readily welcome, extend grace, and are to lovingly accept the persons, even when and while we do not condone the sin of these persons, as they too have eternal value. Yet and still please, THAT ACCEPTANCE is NOT the same as fully affirming the LGBTQ+ person(s) into membership, ministry, or to fail to speak about this lifestyle being sin. It means this: we extend grace, the Gospel, discipleship, and pray for them as they (again) have eternal value as do all persons (Please see John 3:16-17).

Of great importance in the above paragraph (of the “Of Note” paragraph) are many things, yet let me share some with you that, from my own position and perspective, are foundational to the belief system and doctrinal statement for the COTN.

  1. The COTN believes, and firmly states, that same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will for human sexuality. A basic definition of “contrary” is this: Not parallel to, is opposed to, is in opposition to, opposite in nature to, is the antithesis of, and more (see Oxford and Webster dictionaries).  The word in the Manual is this:  CONTRARY, as applied to God’s will. This is a much more powerful and biblically based statement. This same Biblical based position of the COTN is founded in BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament:

Old Testament:

  •  Genesis 13:12 tells us that Sodom – the city from which the cultural reference of sodomites comes is based on and defined as, “wicked and sinners” (NASB; “Wicked” is “ra-im” meaning to be “bad, evil”. There are no other words needed because it was so bad!

    “Sinners” is a different word – i.e., not only evil but also sinners in the eyes of God thus ANOTHER word is needed which is “ve-chat-ta-im”, indicating and meaning to be participating IN the sin: These words meaning “sin” and “sinners” are greatly definitive, and that definition is from the mouth of and heart of God! Hyphens are used above to aid in pronunciation only.)
  • Genesis 19:1-29: This tells the story of visitors who came to Lot, while Lot lived in Sodom. The men of the city wanted Lot’s male visitors brought to them to have sexual relationships with them. Lot tried to dissuade them, but to no avail. The angels intervened and pulled Lot back – seemingly indicating that Lot was now in danger of being sexually assaulted. The angels then struck the men of the city with blindness. The angels speak to the family of Lot, telling them leave Sodom (to save their lives) because the wrath of God for homosexual behavior and lifestyle is coming and the city will be destroyed.  Finally, the two daughters, Lot, and his wife leave Sodom, and the city is destroyed. This is God’s wrath for this horrific sin and evil of homosexuality.
  • Leviticus 18:22-24, and 20:13; These passages further condemn homosexuality as being “defiled” and “an abomination” before the Lord with the result of being put to death.  Enough said, as the texts are very clear!  This is further supported and cross referenced with 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and Jude 1:7.

These passages, and other contextual / hermeneutical passages, give us the foundation for the Biblical understanding of how God views homosexuality.  There are other passages that allude to homosexuality, given the temple shrines and prostitutes were male, and that for male sexual intimacy (see 1 Kings 15) and this practice is not only condemned but punished as well.

The concern many have voiced is that the Bible does not mention lesbianism. That is false at best, and heretical at worst.

Both – homosexuality among men, and lesbianism in women – are condemned greatly in the New Testament. That is powerful. The New Testament, i.e., the fulfillment and total support of the Old Testament, supports, expounds about, and expands on the Old Testament passages listed!

New Testament:

  • Romans 1:18-22: This is a prominent passage of the New Testament that Paul writes. It follows Paul’s writing on the “just shall live by faith”. And then in THIS passage we are told of the wrath of God to be revealed against all ungodliness, evil, and especially on those who, “although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish minds were darkened.” (NKJV; the NASB, NRSV, and ESV have parallel and very similar translations and that from the Greek language).
  • Romans 1:24-25 proceeds to say that God (24) “‘gave them up’ to their uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, (25) who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen.” (NKJV, again above cited translations, and others, are parallel in translation, to the Greek language study, thus is fully supportive).

  • Only the sin of homosexuality (including what will be referred to in verse 26 as of what we call lesbianism) is the sin that leads to THE GOD of love, grace, redemption, and transformation being fully intolerant, and to such a degree, that OUR GOD gives “up” the person “to (their) uncleanness.”
  • Biblically this is the ONLY sin, of this same weight of punishment, as the sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. NOTEWORTHY:  BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT is the ONLY sin that is not forgivable. The sin of homosexuality, and including in verse 27 lesbianism, is NOT blasphemy AS LONG AS the person does NOT say OR IMPLY that God “told them” it is to be accepted or even “ok”. Also Important: This unquestionably supports that no LGBTQ+ participant can choose this kind of love over the life of Christ centered discipleship, and Agape love life, and yet / still find this sin as acceptable by God. Therefore, no congregation or church should find this lifestyle, living, or defending of this sin, as acceptable in any way.
  • Only the sin of what we call the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, is listed as lust of the hearts “to dishonor their own bodies among themselves,” i.e., to “akatharsian” (absolute unclean-ness of vile-ness indications) their own bodies, which leads to “dishonor” of the body, and “atamazesthai” (meaning to bring such shame and condemnation of the body, to the body) by this act. Is it any wonder why? The body is of such great value, that when we become sanctified, our bodies become the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit (See 1 Corinthians 6:19). Explanation: In what the Wesleyan Armenians call initial sanctification the sins are forgiven and heart made clean of sin, and in “Entire” Sanctification” – i.e, the second work of grace as it is known – the heart is made pure from the nature to (and be in) sin as well as empowered to live without having a “sinning religion”, so as to walk in victorious discipleship living over, and without, sin. (While this is not an all-inclusive definition of either work of grace, and basic in many ways, it is offered as a starting point of clarity and definition of what we hold to that occurs in and through BOTH works of grace.)  Thus, with this sin – the sin of homosexuality in any form and that like no other – there is a level of dishonoring and absolute vs. total unclean-ness brought to the body and (if the person “claims” discipleship) it desecrates what is (and / or is to be) the temple of the Holy Spirit!
  • Romans 1:26: “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. FOR EVEN THEIR WOMEN exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.” (Emphasis mine, NKJV and, again, ESV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV have parallel wording, and the Greek study does as well).
  1. “… EVEN their women” – God breathed, God inspired, God being inerrant, God giving Scripture, God giving holy inspiration – for holy writing of the holy word of God – calls attention to women in this lifestyle. Notice the past tense word noted in the verse: EXCHANG-ED. It has ALREADY been going on, and is not new, so the Apostle Paul deals with this aspect, of this sin, as well and not giving an exclusion to those women who are in, and practicing, this lifestyle.

  2.  “…natural use for what is against nature.” Yes, and obviously, the Biblical position is this: EVEN FOR WOMEN, lesbianism is against what is natural as God created it, as God sees it, as God requires it, as God blesses it. To do this sin will lead to the SAME God ultimately condemning the person as a result of being in this sinful lifestyle.
  3. 1 Timothy 1:8-10: This passage lists sinful behaviors and living that will NOT inherit the kingdom of God. Look in verse 10, and homosexuality is numbered in this list: “… for those practicing homosexuality …” This is powerful, contextual, and absolute.
  4. Hebrews 13:4: “… God will judge the adulterer and ALL the sexually impure.” (NKJV, emphasis mine and, again, supported by other translations cited as well as the Greek language).

I hope, pray, and think that we have communicated this powerful truth from the Word of God, as given to us from the heart of God, as inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, to the men of God: Homosexuality, including all aspects of this lifestyle and culture, is SIN: Homosexuality is abominable, has spiritual and physical consequences, and bring judgment against the practicing person unless repented of. BUT and ALSO, it is not the unforgiveable sin, THUS it CAN be repented of, left, and overcome in the life of the person. 

ON A PERSONAL NOTE:  I have ministered to many in the past 50 years of ministry who have desired to leave this lifestyle, and even had multiple people in my pastorates and ministries who have struggled with this sin and lifestyle. In so ministering, I have witnessed this same God to be the One who brings the victory over (and from) that lifestyle for these people, as well as many others! ALSO, referring to the Manual (Paragraph 31) as cited previously: There are different reasons that people have “complex and differing origins” for their going into this lifestyle. YET and STILL, the Grace of God, AND provision of God, are all sufficient for the deliverance BY God for and to the person in this culture. The Bible is the source of this statement, and the Manual gives us this statement!

Let me ALSO say, that the position of the COTN is without debate, discussion, or question:  The position is clearly stated, and based on Scripture. Thus, and that to me, the Biblical and subsequent Manual position is this: those who would attempt to disregard the Biblical teaching first, as well as the COTN adherence to these same Biblical teachings second, must be seen as in this sin themselves – either by active practice, or by collusion of allowance by those in the practice whether or not they are family or in the church – regardless of position or education level. That is a very difficult statement to say and hold to, as it must always be hoped and sought that all men and women – especially biological and the church family – would be able to grasp and dwell in the life transforming grace of sin(s) forgiven, including this sin.

The grace extended to these people must be just that – GRACE extended TO these people, and NOT ALLOWANCE BY these people to be IN this (or any other) sin, or sinful lifestyle. To re-state: It is not being unloving, and not ungracious, to say this is Biblically defined and condemned as sin, and as such must be adhered to in these terms. Rather, it is the position of this Biblical pastor to say it IS grace to so deem it and define it. Further I hold that this Biblically based position reveals, and holds to, the whole of the Bible on this subject.

Then, THROUGH grace extended TO them, there is forgiveness, spiritual transformation, and a life of purity and power to live above this sin (as well as any other sin that so easily besets the person, see Hebrews 12:1-2). As such, this pastor holds that the “affirmation” desire of Dr. Oord and others – even as THEY define affirmation – MUST be rejected.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT PERSONAL NOTE: I will also say this please. For ANYONE to assert that this sin is not being wrestled with, dealt with, wept over, or processed through as to how to proceed – both biblically, and per the polity— of and by the leadership of the COTN, and regarding legal protection is (from my mindset) absolutely absurd.  Again please: Neither I, nor most people observing the COTN regarding this issue, are privileged to know all the meetings, all the documentation, and all the discussions of what has been transpiring in dealing with this issue and striving to be true to the Biblical teachings and subsequently to the Manual. But I will say this: for anyone to say the leadership of the COTN has not been involved in this, or has been standing off from this issue, must be seen as errant at best, and slanderous at worst. 

Transition:  Application of and for the Requirements of Members and Licensed vs. Ordained Ministers and/or Deacons

To begin, the Bible teaches in the whole writ of its pages, and the COTN maintains that ALL believers are called to be ministers of the Gospel and that to ALL people (see paragraph 500). This includes all cultures, sub-cultures, and those in what I have defined as sinful lifestyle, including the LBGTQ+ community. This, however, does not quantify, qualify, advocate, or allow anyone in a lifestyle that the Bible states is sin (vs. sinful) as being spiritually ready for membership or leadership. Why?  It is because neither the Bible, nor the COTN, accept that those in this lifestyle are truly disciples of Jesus. They are IN a sinful lifestyle, and thus must be ministered to, while being accepted as creations of God with eternal value. And they NEED Jesus as their Savior for the transformation of their heart, mind, soul, and body.  This, then, is the role of ministry of ALL believers – to be those who are BEING the Great Commission, going into the world, making disciples of all who do not know Jesus personally and are in a sinful lifestyle of ANY kind. Then and AFTER discipleship is being done, pursued, and lived, we are to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – i.e., BEING the Great Commission, and then BEING discipleship producing that the Holy Spirit experience of entire sanctification is available, and that for all who will seek it to live above sin in a victorious life.

Now, relating this to those who are licensed and then ordained, this process culminates in a recognition by the COTN that God Himself has confirmed the call TO and IN the ministry of ministerial leadership as proclaimers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The life lived is to be exemplary, above reproach, in adherence to the Word of God, and consumed with the capacity and drive in one’s spirit, to communicate “sound doctrine” that is solely based on Scripture.

Further, this same licensed and then ordained minister is to have a deep sense of necessity for all believers to go on to perfection of heart and spirit from inbred sin of what is called the carnal nature (i.e., this is inclusive of this same issue of the LGBTQ+ community) while having a “strong appreciation of both Salvation and Christian ethics”. What is implied and stated is clear and apparent: the COTN stands strongly in the perspective and holy calling of this: ANY licensed and ordained minister is to seek and respond to opportunities to nurture those in the church, and ALSO to make disciples in the beauty of salvation and holiness of heart.

This is all inclusive for the life of any and all persons God leads to us.  Then we are to disciple THEM to become believers. (see Manual, paragraphs 502 – 502.6) I would strongly argue this also includes that ANY person in the lifestyle of discussion (i.e., the LGBTQ+ culture) cannot only BE forgiven and transformed, but also be matured INTO the discipleship of Jesus, including being discipled AWAY from the sin that they were practicing before Salvation. Hence, grace is given and that without allowance of the sin being accepted.

Again from the Manual and thus the polity of the COTN:  the CORE DUTIES of the minister are to Pray, Preach the WORD, Equip the saints for the work of ministry (themselves), Administer the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, Care of people via Pastoral visits, Comfort the mourning, CORRECT, REBUKE (of sin) encourage with great patience and careful instruction, seek CONVERSION of sinners (emphasis mine, yet to stress conversion from any sin, and to being disciples living without sinning), seek the entire sanctification of the converted, building up of God’s people in holiness, and more (see paragraphs 515 through 515.12 as it pertains to other believers. Capitalization intended by me.)

There is also the education of this licensed and subsequently ordained minister which is contained in paragraph 529 sections (of the Manual). This section outlines all that is required and must be adhered to by the minister – while IN the licensure process, and then from the point of ordination forward. In summary it means this: learn the course of study, accept the doctrinal positions of the course of study including the theological statements of the COTN, and adhere to this until the person so chooses to no longer be a member of the COTN as a member vs. being in support of the COTN as a minister, or is glorified by going to heaven.  In further summation: When and as a minister of the Gospel (and that also in the COTN) accepts licensure as well as ordination, this is incumbent upon the minister that they will support, teach, adhere to, and possess the same theological and Biblical experiences of salvation, heart holiness, departure from sin, and holding to those positions and theological positions that the COTN hold to and/or to that denomination or church they receive their ordination in. FURTHER: ANY departure from these doctrinal statements and positions by ANY member or minister – both practically (in terms of governance) as well as Biblically (based on our theology) – releases any encumbrance upon the COTN to allow, or accept, the minister or member as able to continue in the COTN. This is because it is a departure from that same covenant by the minister with the COTN, and thus represents a departure FROM the COTN by that person –not only as it pertains to this topic, but to any compliance within and of the COTN. Further, IF there is a departure by any minister or deacon of the doctrines, teachings, or practical / governmental polity of the COTN as shared in the Manual, that person has (in practices and/or in theology) already departed from the COTN and thus can and should be attempted to have corrective action followed. (This is allowed in the Manual.)

Then, if there is no return to the positions and theology of the COTN through that corrective action, that person can and should be seen as (already) no longer a member of the COTN, and thus no longer a licensed vs. ordained minister in the COTN. That is a hard statement yet must be held to!

This is huge, as it allows ability of the COTN to not focus primarily on whatever the specific governance or theological departure is – including this issue of accepting the SIN of the LBGTQ+ community – but on the departure FROM the COTN in ANY given theological or governance position and polity, and thereby be innocent of isolating on the topic of LBGTQ+ exclusively.

Included in this issue discussed, we must also apply this to that of accepting the SIN (itself) of the LBGTQ+… community. This would obviously include any departure FROM the COTN in ANY given theological or governance position and polity of the COTN, and not ONLY practicing the sin of homosexuality, and LBGTQ+ lifestyle.  (Dr. Oord and many others have done this on many issues, some of which are listed in Dr. Oord’s book “God Can’t” as published on January 14, 2019, as well as the sin and issue of homosexuality.)

Regarding ordination, let me share that all who have met with a presiding General Superintendent will, can, and should attest, that the General Superintendent should, does, and will ask ALL who are being ordained if they agree with the theology, governance, and life as outlined in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene to which we are asked to say “I do” (or something very affirmative).  Then we are ALL asked that IF we were to come to a point of departure in our own beliefs from this same position of theology or governance – for ANY reasons – would we agree to submit our credentials and membership voluntarily and thus go where we would find agreement. AGAIN, this is an agreement by and covenant from this ordination candidate.  In so doing, this is a covenant contract with the COTN, but also in holy agreement to be abided by, and held to so long as there is life within us. If we choose to no longer agree with the COTN for any reason, we agree to submit the credential. Powerful, tough, but true. 

Let’s Move Forward: Where to From Here?

Having now shared and outlined what the COTN believes (and having shown forth that this position that they hold to – i.e., that the COTN must be accepting and affirming the LGBTQ+ community – as outlined and articulated by Dr. Thomas Jay Oord and his co-writers and / or sympathizers , and that this same position is troubling) let us move into some further discussion of HOW we CAN AND SHOULD proceed to show forth living and loving discipleship, but with full accountability by the COTN to its own Manual, as well as to Dr. Oord and others, regarding their own positions that are in contrast and contradiction to this belief (as taught by Scripture first, and then held to by the COTN of which I support) .

To begin this discussion let us acknowledge that these people do not hold that the LGBTQ+ lifestyle must be considered sin, but see it as healthy, natural, alternative, but not wrong. They hold that those in this lifestyle should be allowed to be members in the COTN, and that the sin they are in should not be stated as such. To put it plainly, this lifestyle IS sin, IS based on the Biblical narrative and teachings, and AS SUCH must be totally rejected as not Biblical! Further, and those who would adhere to any teaching that is contrary to Scripture must be addressed in grace but also unashamedly and unapologetically.

What is meant by the last statement is this: They are wrong, and must be addressed within the polity, theology, and covenant agreement they made with God first, and then for membership and ministry as outlined above!

FIRST: Let me respond with a statement that may well offend many. It has been shared with me by many that “IF” and WHEN the COTN leadership deals with this issue by no longer condemning anyone who supports the LGBTQ+ position, this will bring great rejoicing. I must abhor that.  To say that addressing this issue as the Manual and even Scripture share, must or should result in rejoicing by the rest of us (when and as those same people lose their credentials and / or membership), is greatly anti-Biblical.

NO sin or sinful position should be accepted, and NO such corrective action – even when needed because of such sin – should bring rejoicing.  Why? Because the action that was done was needed to address sin in the church.  Sin in the church should bring total broken-ness, heartache, and deep questions that demand answers as well as preventative measures to never get here again.  Sin breaks the heart of God, as does the need for punishment for the sin.  This attitude of “we will rejoice”, at least to me, is ALSO sin.  We are called to be crucified WITH Christ, including (but not limited to) being broken over any sin in the church.

SECOND: Let me now give another perspective. The COTN must deal with this issue – strongly, absolutely – in ways that leave no doubt as to the result of what will occur IF there is any recurrence of this or any other sin. Further, it will set what is known as precedence (for how to deal with allowing sin to proliferate in the church).  That can and may well bring thankfulness of hearts in and to those who stand with the Scriptural teachings (back to Sola Scriptura) and the Manual being adhered to yet must also bring a broken-ness that the sin is present. (Please note, I do not equate thankfulness with rejoicing in this context.) I would also share it MUST be done on ALL levels of the denomination: local church, district church, and denominational church. No pastor, DS, GS, school president, or any board member should be allowed to face or endure repercussions against them in any way for supporting the Biblical and Denominationally stated positions. (Also, no leader of the COTN at ANY level should be sympathetic to this position of softness or affirmation in the church.)  SHOULD such be attempted – i.e. retribution of ANY kind – I would hope and pray that those who would be in opposition to dealing with this in such manner, i.e., in keeping with the Scriptures and the COTN Manual, would be subject to membership revoked as well. Tears flow as I share that thought for this reason: We must have total support by, and on behalf of, our leadership to oppose this issue, as well as be stewards of keeping vs. making the church purified of leaders / pastors / teachers and/or sympathizers who are partaking in, supporting of, or in sympathy with this issue and, most egregiously, that has not been done. That is a powerful statement, and heartbreaking to say. Yet it is felt at the very core of my being that the message must be firm, unyielding, and supported that the COTN will not give in. Further, the Code of Conduct for members and (hence) ministers of such support for the leadership, as well as the Biblical opposition to this sin, must be fully and equally shared and held to. Thus, and again, the veil of protection is being adhered to legally, morally, and biblically.  One person who has not given me the permission to name them, has said it this way: “There comes a time when we can no longer fail to address this issue, but must be absolute in what must be done, and then proceed in how to address this issue.” While that is tough to say as well as being a bit direct, it is true!

THIRD:  We must not trade holiness for happiness, purity of doctrine for passiveness of decisions or support, or sanctity of Godliness by us for satisfying acceptance of Godless-ness from and among us.  In And to quote the late Dr. R. Curtis Smith, “We must not trade our holiness message and position for a mess of political pottage.”  And, in the words of Martin Luther, the great reformer, we must say with unyielding resolve, that on the Words of Scripture and position of the COTN about this and ALL teachings, “I can do no other. Here I stand!” 

FOURTH:  Avoid isolating THIS issue. It is strongly held by this pastor that it is very possible to deal with THIS issue in a way that addresses the issue from a polity approach, addresses the ecumenical and church Manual positions, yet does not single out this issue separately.

This can and, in my own thoughts, should be done to set the precedent of ALL the Biblical teachings, coupled with the Manual polity and policies. To do so in such a way will set the tone for purity in the church, while also needing to be done wisely in so dealing with the LGBTQ+ question of discussion. Further, if there is an unfortunate future event of / or departure from ANY polity positions and policies, there is a solid precedence of being dealt with that is much more all inclusive and thus setting the tone to allow the COTN to act in grace yet act in strength. While this approach deals with this theme at hand, the hope and prayer is that it deals with it in ways that do not make LGBTQ+ the main focus, but addresses this issue as just that – AN issue, i.e., ONE issue, against which we must speak to. If we do so, it is perceived that the focus will be diminished – at least somewhat – off the LBGTQ+ issues presented as primary, and onto the holiness of God, for the holiness of the church, and the holiness living and pursuing by those in the true church.  ALL sin is just that – SIN!  THIS sin is very egregious, yet (as stated before) is not the unpardonable sin, and thus should not be dealt with in such ways as to make this lifestyle sin and the support vs. affirming of this particular sin, the primary focus. Rather, make it for that which it truly is –Holiness of heart, Holiness of life, Holiness in the COTN, Holiness in governance within the COTN that is adherent to Scripture for ALL of life, and Holiness about ALL that we may deal with. HOLINESS!

How Do We Get There?

So now, having said these things, the question is this: “How do we get there?” or, perhaps even better, “How must we proceed?” To answer this, I would propose these things.

FIRST: Repent.  We must become and stay broken and yet transparent: Confess that we as a church – generally and to the local church level – have sinned. WE have chosen to not address this sin as such – SIN –resulting in our allowing this sin to take root in terms of becoming the “powder keg” that it has become. WE have chosen to avoid directly confronting it but have chosen to let “others” deal with it and have stepped back from the obligation of leadership stewardship instead of restating “This we believe, this we hold, and this we will continue to be” in our open and clear opposition to this great sin.  To do so – to REPENT – means to openly do the following, from (are you ready?) the General Superintendents all the way down to the local churches and local boards:

  1. We have done this – ADMISSION. We have NOT addressed it full force, and in a way that prevented this issue from becoming as huge as it is. We allowed “pride” days, delegated “others” to address it, we – at least in appearance – have chosen to refuse to live by vs. enforce the Biblical teachings and practical doctrines of the Manual. WE HAVE DONE THIS. We can’t expect others to lead the way – WE must lead the way in REPENTANCE. No one could have fully known the impact that this sin BY US would have come to. Yet, and NOW, we have done this, and we must ADMIT that WE have done this – as a denomination — and must repent first and foremost by ADMISSION.
  2. What we have done is WRONG – CONFESSION.  For many, this could well be a hard statement to say, and even send to any denominational leaders as well as churches. Yet, REPENTANCE is an admission that what we have done is not only about something that WAS done, but also accepts and confesses what has been done is and was WRONG.

  3.  What we have done IS SIN BY US – ACCEPTANCE! In allowing this sin – or any other sin – to proliferate or even be discussed in any way resembling tolerance or favorable is SIN itself.  WE ACCEPT OUR RESPONSIBILITY of ALLOWING it to proliferate. Note: what is said AT THIS STATEMENT, is not that WE HAVE SUPPORTED OR TOLERATED THIS, but that we have done what many may see as RESEMBLING tolerance of this!  This “resembling” is something that has been allowed and done, which is beyond a “mistake”, or “only” intellectually wrong.  IT IS SIN! The quicker we accept and confess this, the faster and deeper will be our denominational healing, restoring, and deliverance from this sin.
  4. We must seek forgiveness of others – RESTITUTION. This should not only be done within our own denomination, but to the ecumenical church at large. WE are (at least at this time) the largest holiness church on the planet, and we must seek the forgiveness OF OURSELVES for not leading in this life and message of holiness. Holiness unto the Lord must be more than a watch, word, or song – it must be who we are, what we are, and that we are – at the core!
  5. We must decry, correct, and forsake this sin, and the sin of failure to address any sin IN the church. We must be calling sin what it is, that exists in our society – WE MUST HAVE TRANSFORMATION.  This also may (well) be very difficult. A simple statement to the denomination and districts within the COTN can be done to confirm that we, the COTN, still hold to the Biblical teaching, and that AS OUR MANUAL position, of the LBGTQ+… lifestyle IS sin, that we continue to teach against it, and expect our ministers, members, and leaders to continue to support and teach this position as sin.  Yet not ONLY this but coupled WITH a TRUE REPENTANCE THAT IS MARRIED with decrying, correcting, and forsaking! Here and again, we set precedence, as well as operate within the veil of protection legally, thus protecting us, while being faithful to the Biblical teachings of holiness we were founded upon – even as it pertains to the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. As to other denominations that are watching, simply and graciously share that we are re-stating and confirming our position as above, and then proceed to the next response.

Second: Return.  Let us return to our holiness lifestyle, holiness teachings, holiness living, holiness expectations, and holiness discipleship that God has called us to. Some would argue we have not departed from this, and in part, they are correct.

Yet for this issue to have taken such footing via Dr. Oord and all who would support his positions, let me encourage the COTN to return AND even more clearly state for ALL to understand, that THIS is our message, THIS is our bedrock of belief, and THIS is WHAT we are to preach and become – people of holiness – without which no one will see the Lord: IN our sermons, IN our district functions, IN our universities and ALL subsequent classes taught (not only theology classes though that sets the tone, but also ALL other classes taught), IN our denominational meetings, IN our leadership meetings, and IN our association with other SISTER denominations so that we as the COTN continue to BE the leaders we were raised up to be.  WE have a glorious opportunity to lead in this matter, and that VERY PUBLICALLY. That same leadership, in and for holiness, must now go forward and that brightly, effectively, and boldly. 

(OF NOTE: This is NOT said to find criticism but, from the message of the old hymn of the church, is an encouragement that we as the COTN both own and be the charge to keep what we have been given: A God to glorify, and not a culture to pacify; a culture so as to make “fit for the sky”; a call to fulfill – the SAME call that led us to be formed as the COTN in Pilot Point, Texas in 1909, and that with JEALOUS care as we DO and WILL have “a strict account to give” (Sing To The Lord, Hymn 536, Lillenas Publishing Company). We CAN AND MUST CONTINUE to teach this most glorious message for all people and be including of the LBGTQ+ community while also not accepting sin.   Therefore, let us seize that opportunity. And then, and that pleading from this pastoral heart, let us demand ALL ministers, and ALL ministerial candidates, and ALL board members, to be able to not only have this holiness experience but also be able to articulate — me being crucified with Christ, living only for Jesus, and putting all sin and self on the cross (as a spontaneous and minimal statement). As a pastor, and as a now former executive state elder in another church organization, I share with you that seemingly far too few can do this, thus the reason why far too few preach and teach, as well as expect and live holiness. As an example: I have seen and experienced the exact opposite of this BY a lead pastor, IN a Wesley-Armenian church, and the results are devastating to me, and led to a “black eye” (as it were) on the name of the church at large as well as on the cause of Christ.

Further, mid-level leadership in THAT denomination stated that “old fashioned holiness preaching is ‘CHEESY’ preaching (yes, he said that!)” and to not give altar calls or invitations because no one responds anymore. My response is this: IF old fashioned holiness preaching is cheesy, I will gladly bring the meat of the Holy Spirit, the condiment of anointing, and expect the altars to be full!  In MY pastorate, we have revival – because we have holiness preaching, teaching, discipleship, and praying!

Further, I would also encourage us ALL to return to what we read over and again throughout the writ of Scripture: “Thus says the Lord”. This is said over 1900 times (per a simple internet search) throughout Scriptures. These are the words of God, about God, from God to us. They are given for us to preach, to live, to teach, and to RE-BECOME IN holiness including (as it applies to) forsaking and speaking out against this most horrific sin (as even God sees it). THIS should be our battle cry in ALL we do, ALL we teach, ALL we aspire to be and become, and ALL we are – NOT being exclusive to the LGBTQ+ issue, but INCLUSIVE of this issue and ALL sin issues.

To put it directly, these words of “Thus says the Lord” are recorded over 1900 times, and are diametrically opposite and contrasting to the very first question of the Bible: “Did God ACTUALLY SAY …?”  This was the question in the Garden of Eden and, even now, is STILL the ROOT question. This question has been pushed onto the fabric of the Church of our Lord, as it applies to the question of affirming and accepting the LBGTQ+ community as members (and without calling sin what it is – a WILLFUL transgression against EVEN THIS KNOWN law of God).  Our response must be that we not ONLY say in words but also, as our doctrinal standing and action, a resounding “YES HE – GOD – DID, DOES, and CONTINUES TO PROCLAIM His message FOR us, TO us, and by God’s mandate THROUGH us. YES, GOD DID SAY THIS!” 

Apologetically, philosophically, hermeneutically, and reflectively, this SAME question of “Did God REALLY say…?” is at the foundation of the position that is being pushed upon the COTN and the WHOLE of the true Church to try to “guilt” the Church into “Grace Extending” to the LBGTQ+ community for their full affiliation into the COTN (as well as other sister denominations, associations, and bodies of believers).  To put it more fully, please (from the analogy of the Garden of Eden): “Did God REALLY say you are NOT to partake of the ‘tree’ of ANY culture in society and NOT allow these ‘trees’ into your full fellowship / membership?”  Our response must be unquestioned and clear:

  • First, YES GOD HAS SAID THIS.  Those verses and passages already listed show the nature and depravity of the view of God on this sin.  Further, GOD has required that WE NOT BE IN FELLOWSHIP WITH this culture. He has CALLED us to go INTO the culture to preach, teach, baptize, make disciples, and compel them to come INTO THE BODY OF BELIEVERS via life transformation of BECOMING transformed AS believers themselves. Still, HE calls us to preach TRANSFORMATION FROM THIS AND ALL SIN, including being forgiven of this sin, discipleship away from this sin, and then forsaking of this sin.
  • Second, if and as anyone studies the now large volume of documented positions and “doctrinal beliefs” of Dr. Oord and those in his “camp”, it is devastating to see what is promoted and espoused by him and those with him. To name but a few: God is NOT all powerful, God is NOT the CREATOR of ALL things and God did NOT create from NOTHING PRE-EXISTING; God does NOT have ALL power and victory over sin thus HE CANNOT CONTROL OR PREVENT what happens; Given a choice of choosing “love or Christianity” he and those with him advocate those in this community to “choose love” (not agape) – including Dr. Oord’s expressed allowance and support of this in the life of his daughter. There is a plethora of many more positions he and his “camp” hold, but this is a view of where he is coming from in his philosophical thinking, to be “open and relational” above faithful and holy in his theology.  Let me pause a moment to share this: No one can know the heart impact he has had personally of realizing his own daughter is in the LBGTQ+ community, nor do we know the experiences that he has had that have impacted his life. That is another topic of conversation. That said, we must extend grace to him while, also holding him accountable even as the early church did: not allow false teaching and divisive dogma to be planted any further among us and, most regrettably, we MUST be made pure of such.
  • Third, be vulnerable enough to be transparent, and recognize that the issue of affirmation that Dr. Oord, et al, promote strikes of a cord in us all for multiple reasons, some of which can include: WE have been deeply injured in life, and perhaps even by the COTN; WE have hidden struggles that WE deal with in OUR lives; WE MAY well be made to know rejection our own selves, because of our own “demons” that WE are battling; WE have not been faithful to say, “Dr. Oord, I cannot agree with you. This phrase of “Thus says the Lord” means exact what it states: Thus says THE LORD! I will not go against it BECAUSE God DOES say this. 

Sadly, WE have not been leaders – but WE have appeared to, if not traded, faithfulness to the precepts of God in the pronouncements to and in the church – perhaps because we did not want to appear judgmental. And, as such, those involved in not stating this are WRONG! I would offer that WE cannot BE judgmental in nature, BUT WE MUST be faithful to simply let the Word of God BE the sharp two-edged sword that is powerful, quick, and piercing of the soul and spirit (see Hebrews 4:12). And, from this realization, return ourselves to the altar of repentance FOR ourselves, so that IN ourselves we will be forgiven as well, and transformed to return to God as holy ourselves.

  • Fourth, be ready, willing, and able to be falsely accused, misunderstood, and maligned. Jesus Himself had this. He saw the desecration of the temple that was characterized by selling and buying of “things” that appeared to be holy things, perhaps other things, within the temple. These merchants had made it a “den of robbers” (ESV). This happened AFTER the triumphant entry – ONE of the absolute greatest events of His earthly ministry recorded as He was hailed, accepted, and proclaimed the Messiah and King that He is. He was opposing sin, but not to be doing so ONLY to be confrontational of the ALREADY present sin among those in the temple; rather I would hold that, among other possibilities, He was so overcome with being incensed by the sin of what was transpiring, by the sinners who were unchecked via those who were appointed to be leaders, that He had not only Holy Anger FOR the church, but Holy JEALOUSY ON BEHALF OF HIS Church. (Reference point is Matthew 21:12-16). The result is astounding: While there WAS the evil opposition, that would lead to the plan of God for Jesus to be OUR sacrifice for sin, the result was also miraculous for us to see: The blind and lame CAME to Him for healing; the “leaders” that allowed the money changers had the incredulous audacity to question HIM of what OTHERS had said OF HIM when they said, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” (Matthew 21:15) and became “indignant” (ESV). And JESUS HIMSELF responded in holiness of rebuttal: “Have YOU never read, ‘Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies YOU have prepared praise?’” (ESV, emphasis mine, Matthew 21:16). I would argue that IF and as the COTN responds Biblically and similarly, we will unquestionably be misunderstood, falsely accused, and greatly maligned even as Dr. Oord, et al, accuse the COTN of being against his PERSONAL heresy that he promotes.

To be clear: I hold that the COTN is NOT against ANY culture, or ANY sinful person, regardless of the sin that they are in, but hold that the COTN has the most holy doctrines of atonement, transformation, new discipleship, and entire heart holiness/ sanctification (among others) that make a person new WHEN and AS they pursue holiness so that THEY can see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). What I would also encourage us to know is this: God has not changed, and HE will BE the restoration THROUGH us in HIS church. But ONLY if we will receive the transformation BACK TO the HOLINESS IN US that, as a denomination, we once were.  Remember and see this as “the gates of hell” that “shall not prevail against us” that Jesus warned us about as recorded a few chapters earlier in Matthew 16:15-20. The gates of hell HAVE come against us, but rest assured COTN, and ALL OTHER HOLINESS DENOMINATIONS: The gates of hell WILL NOT PREVAIL!!!!  He WILL restore these years of locust and “cankerworm” (Joel 2:25-32), and He WILL preserve US – even as promised TO us (among other passages) via the Church of Philadelphia (Revelation 2:7-13). THAT, my brothers and sisters, leaders and laymen, is the SAME GOD I SERVE, the SAME GOD I WAS CALLED BY, and the SAME GOD WHO IS ALIVE FOREVERMORE WHO DOES NOT CHANGE!

Third: Respond.  One of my most cherished professors in my theological training was Dr. Robert Sawyer. He loved Isaiah. Let me appeal to Isaiah for this response. Isaiah 42:18-43:26 is my focus.  Let us respond in these ways, please, to be holiness unto the Lord:

  • Respond by hearing, seeing, observing, and paying full attention to the holiness teaching of God, in such a clear way, so that we cannot help but speak what we have seen, heard, and experienced. THIS is our GLORIOUS call, our glorious holiness church, and our GLORIOUS journey and identity that we must return to (i.e., Acts 4:19-20 when the New Acts Church was threatened).
  • Respond by being fearless of the looters and the “plunder-ers” who have made a mockery of the holiness message, and clean the house of God, to the glory of God, that the holiness of God will be preserved for the people of God. WE are the leadership, upon which is the burden of leading, preaching, being holy, discipling, and not giving in. As one example to hopefully encourage us all, this is exactly what we are doing in my pastorate. People are responding, revival is occurring, salvations and sanctifications are being experienced, baptisms are being sought after, members are being taken in, and this pastor actually expects to see the explosion of the anointing of God in us, on us, and then from us to be the unkept secret of a holiness church. Yes, the COTN may WELL be threatened, even as this pastor has had great opposition even here, but God says this to this pastor, and to all of us in Isaiah 43:1: “FEAR NOT. FOR I HAVE REDEEMED YOU. I HAVE CALLED YOU BY NAME. YOU ARE MINE.”   We WILL pass THROUGH great opposition, and yet I still believe that the same God who ALLOWED opposition in the past so that HIS glory will be seen through HIS deliverance being made manifest (which He STILL does) will very faithfully call us by name again, to return US to HIMSELF IN AN EVEN GREATER MEASURE THAN BEFORE, STRONGER THAN BEFORE, PURER THAN BEFORE, and MORE VICTORIOUS THAN BEFORE!
  • Respond, by holding accountable those who have, unashamedly, caused great heresy to be taught, considered, and even accepted by others. We are NOT the denomination for all persons. We ARE the denomination that God has raised up to be HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.  Many things have been said about what COULD be the ramifications of such an accountability and (in the words of some) purging, mainly that we will lose many churches and members, and we will be seen as contradictory to grace.  Let me try to respond to both. First, we have already lost many people. I believe this has happened, in part, because we did not hold the standard of holiness, because of Covid, and because of other issues. Also, we MAY well lose congregations who hold to the position being espoused by Dr. Oord (et al), i.e., that we should be all affirming, all accepting, and all including of those in the LBGTQ+ culture. If I may say so, these congregations have already left the denomination, and only use our name as a place to meet. We cannot lose what we do not still have.   Second and that to grace: it is not grace to fail to share that the blood of Jesus is able to cleanse the vilest of sinners, and transform the greatest of people into the most holy of children for God. Thus, it is NOT contradictory to grace, but being the agents God uses to be fulfilling and extending of HIS grace.
  • Respond by understanding that those – including Dr. Oord and company – will probably be very critical and may try to act – verbally, in print, or socially, etc., about, in opposition to, or perhaps against the COTN. Dr. Oord’s argument that he uses to support his position (i.e., that the COTN should change their position on the LBGTQ+ question), is that the COTN – in HIS mind – changed its position on re-marriage after divorce. I would argue that this is not only a false occurrence but is (by him and others) falsely represented.                                                              

By way of hermeneutical defense of the COTN on this marriage issue: The COTN embraced the Biblical allowance for re-marriage by someone who endured divorce because of (and assuming that) the person was divorced from someone who broke covenant with them because of their call, their Christian life, and the witness of Christ, and then the departing spouse chose not to stay in the marriage or accept their now former spouse. Paul’s writings in First Corinthians 7:12-16 is in the writ of the Bible, hence Biblical, and as such the COTN has embraced this for those who have gone through divorce while also exercising EXTREME CAUTION for this allowance.  IF a believer’s spouse chooses to leave the marriage, despite the believer calling for reconciliation (and that for the call of God on the life of the Believer or because the departing spouse chooses to not stay in a marriage with the Believer) they are allowed to “…let it be so. In such case the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace…” (ESV, from First Corinthians reference cited, and supported via other translations as well as the Greek study as well). Also, from Dr. Oord’s points of view, pastors and leaders (deacons) should be married to one spouse.  This was the case Scripturally, as there was no polygamy or bigamy allowed. However, from Dr. Oord’s interpretation of this teaching by Paul, there was no differentiation found regarding when a person had the death of a spouse yet COULD get re-married and, thus, now has been married to more than one spouse in their lifetime. For Dr. Oord, who has a doctoral degree, to espouse that, in the COTN allowing THIS BIBLICAL BASED position about divorce, as being EQUAL (in his perception) that the COTN needs to change her position on a sin that is absolute – homosexuality in any form – is beyond the scope of acceptance. It is held by this pastor that Dr. Oord is trying to reach for ANYTHING to justify HIS position, and not come under the authority of the BIBLICAL position of LBGTQ+ theological foundations.  Again, with Martin Luther, we must state, “This is the teaching of the Bible. We can do no other! Here we stand!”

  • Respond, with much broken-ness of heart, much courage, much boldness of spirit, and much realization that the COTN will be supported by the vast contingency of members and ministers alike, with adherence to Isaiah 42:18-43:21, but also the teachings of Jesus to the churches in Revelation – to return to purity, hold to holiness, and know God is still God and WILL NOT LET THE GATES OF HELL prevail against her. (Back to not being “Nazarene Nice” but bold at the risk of appearing otherwise.)
  • Respond, with courage, conviction, and yet compassion. People have been looking for leadership action and need the COTN to lead. God has miraculously given the COTN her beginning as well as her present. I fully believe that HE desires US to go into HER future with and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit – thus courage. God has already given us HIS teaching on this topic. Therefore, we must be convinced in and of the Biblical teaching, leading in this Biblical teaching, holding onto this teaching, and dwelling in this teaching: the Biblical mandates that the LGBTQ+ lifestyle IS sin, needing rejection within the church. WE are to BE the holiness church, LIVING the holy life, THAT OUR HOLY GOD expects us to live, teach, and require among our members and ministers. OF IMPORTANCE: Many lives are being devastated by this lifestyle on and in THEIR lives, as well as the impact on their families and local churches: they NEED the Gospel, NEED the message of hope, NEED the message of forgiveness, NEED the message of life transformation, and NEED the life of holiness shared with them that is all transforming, all redeeming, all forgiving, and all discipling – thus compassion.
  • Finally, respond with boldness. We as the COTN have the message, the history, the call, and the power of the Holy Spirit that is already ours.  Let US go forward, and follow the teachings of Jesus, experience the re-infilling of the Holy Spirit as given in Acts 4:23-31, via and after our own broken-ness of confession, repentance, and returning to God as a holiness church in a new and renewed emphasis.  WE, as a denomination, NEED this renewing, NEED this re-infilling, NEED this new holy boldness, and NEED this new and holy RETURN to the holiness of God, so that WE RE-become our WATCH, RE-become our WORD, RE-become our SONG, and through that WE are RE-becoming THE CHURCH of Holiness of heart, Holiness of soul, Holiness of message, Holiness of discipleship, and Holiness of covenant commitment –  resulting in and leading to the COTN REVIVED! 

In Conclusion

I never cease to be amazed at this phrase of “In Conclusion.”  The long-standing thought – especially among preachers – is that it means, “now for the last half hour or so let me close.”  Yet and still, please let me share with the reader some heartfelt thoughts that have been brought to mind.

There may be a perspective and perception by anyone, or many, that the reasons for such a paper are more self driven and self elevating. Let me share with a resounding rebuttal that nothing could be further from the truth.  To take the risk and vulnerability to write such a position paper is not centered in elevation of my name, my perspective, or my anything. The reason for such a position paper is solidly based on this and this alone: I am compelled to speak. Throughout the writ of Scripture we hear “Thus says the Lord” and, as the focus is about the whole of the issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community, with subsequent “affirmation” of this group of people to become members of the Body of Christ (as strongly supported and promoted by the camp including – among many others – Dr. Thomas Jay Oord), I am absolutely and inescapably convicted that such a response as this is needed and must be given.

I am not a denominational leader in the COTN, and that is good, as it shows forth that we the pastors and leaders in the rank and file, as well as in the local and district churches, are saying these things, seeking these solutions, praying and fasting about these issues, and broken over the weight and impact of these issues pushed on the COTN by the camp of Dr. Oord and company. 

I would also share that while I have cited Isaiah often, I am unable to escape the writings of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, as well as Paul, Peter, and the writ of the entire New Testament. What is meant by this statement is simply that Jeremiah and Ezekiel were told to be obedient, speak against the sin of and / or in the church and the cultures, and be aware that God will always raise up a church for Himself YET will ALSO and ALWAYS restore His church TO Himself. In speaking, these prophets – as well as the writers of the New Testament and also Jesus – cited the Word of the Jehovah God and spoken as the heart of God (back to plenary inspiration) to the people who called themselves by the name of God. These same writers and speakers then gave what must be done to return to the Lord, be blessed by the Lord, respond with the (already given) directives of the Lord (plenary inspiration) and be restored and rewarded by the Lord.

It is truly felt that IF and AS we as the COTN – and all other sister churches and denominations who are processing through this issue – will simply, fully, boldly, and by the Presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully return to the Lord and HIS precepts on this issues God will restore to us the years of the locust, precedence will be set that we will not fail to be faithful to Scripture as well as have the veil of protection for us, and God WILL once AGAIN have the COTN be healed, be forgiven, and be restored to “rise up oh church of God”. 

Let me humbly, yet boldly submit to ALL, that IF and AS we do this, we will know, experience, and have revival among us like never before. I also believe that God will not only be pleased, but will favor, anoint, bless, and multiply us like never before as well. God’s promise has been cited already in Isaiah 43:18-19 and God’s command, through Jesus, has been RE-stated in 1 Peter 1:14-16 and Isaiah 52:11.  May we ALL be so humbled by all of this, that we ALL seek with broken-ness of heart and contriteness of spirit to return to the holy God, that has His holy life, in the walk of holiness, for us ALL to wholly follow.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Micah D. Rogers

Ordained Minister, Church of the Nazarene

Will Faithful Nazarenes Survive The Fight Against the Pro-Homosexuals Led By Thomas Oord?

How did this come to be, that many pastors in the church are now openly proclaiming that homosexuality is good and biblical?

If there was any doubt whether Thomas Oord had any serious intentions to undermine the Church of the Nazarene and normalize homosexuality in the denomination, there should be no doubt now. A new book titled “Why The Church of the Nazarene Should Be Fully LGBTQ+ Affirming” makes it pretty obvious what has been his agenda for over 20 years, along with his loyal cohorts amongst other Nazarene clergy who have been hiding the same intentions, but are now “coming out.”

Consider this new turn of events in the Thomas Oord saga, and the implications for the future of the Church of the Nazarene. Oord is the heretical former Northwest Nazarene University professor who somehow still retains his ordination credentials, despite overwhelming evidence that he has blatantly violated Nazarene standards, and more importantly, biblical standards over and over again.

Because of bad decisions (or lack of decision-making) by Nazarene leadership up to the highest level, a reckoning is coming to the denomination much quicker than many had thought. It is the question of homosexuality and whether the church will bless such a state, and also whether there will be a split in the denomination, similar to the United Methodists. To think these questions would even be up for discussion is an astounding indictment on the denomination whose theme has been “Holiness Unto the Lord.”

Here, Thomas Oord is proudly wearing a picture of the cover of the new book that he and his daughter have edited. The book is a compilation of 73 essays written by mostly Nazarenes or former Nazarenes. It is a who’s who of heretics in the church. How did this come to be, that many pastors and elders in the church are now openly proclaiming that homosexuality is good and biblical? And why have others not lost their credentials? Why has Oord not lost his credentials? And yet, some pastors who were exposing false teachings a decade ago were summarily fired or forced to resign.

About 10 years ago, Thomas Oord was promoting his open theism and other false teachings during his tenure at Northwest Nazarene University. He welcomed universalists to speak to students freely and unchallenged, leading many astray. And yet, nothing he did or say was of ever any serious consequence to the church leaders, so he was allowed to spread his heresies year after year. Perhaps they hoped he would quietly go away, and that he would not step over a certain line.

Leaders are realizing now that this narcissistic man has no line that he won’t cross. Why should he fear anything now? Last year, he was brought up on charges by several brave pastors who recognized that his anti-biblical teachings were harming the church and wanted to hold him accountable. In spite of all the evidence which came directly from his own words, the district leaders failed to revoke this man’s ordination credentials.

Pro-LGBT Theology Faculty at Nothwest Nazarene University

It is noteworthy to point out that there are several professors in the theology department at Oord’s former university, Northwest Nazarene, who seem to be in favor of homosexuality being normalized in the denomination.  I posted about this recently, with a great deal of evidence researched by Sean Killackey, a recent graduate of NNU.

Holland Nazarene District Blesses Same Sex Unions, With District Leaders’ Approval

We also have the problem of the Holland Nazarene District, which has been in open rebellion against the denomination and the Bible.  The District has been blessing same sex unions for some time now, and the General Superintendents know about it, and have done nothing about it. How many Nazarenes are still unaware of this terrible situation in Holland? See this article from 2017 for an update:

So now, the “chickens have come home to roost.”  Thomas Oord is now the symbolic leader of a movement to destroy and re-invent the Nazarene denomination as it is. He has emboldened a large number of Nazarene pastors as well as laypeople who are in favor of normalizing homosexuality as an approved act of God. It has been amazing to see the number of Nazarenes who are now, in public, proclaiming their support of the LGBTQ movement, promoting same-sex marriage, and insisting that homosexuality is blessed of God.

To accentuate his heretical crusade, Oord is hosting a two-evening conference on May 26 and May 27, also titled the same as his book:

Speakers scheduled at this conference: Jonathan J. Foster, Erin Moorman,  Laurie Braaten, Matt Rundio, Sana Robert Hicks, Keegan Osinski, Patti L. Dikes, K. Steve McCormick, Bruce Balcom, James Travis Young, Sam Powell, Libby Tender Hugus, Michael Joseph Brennan, Craig Keen, Eric Severson, Kristi J. Attwood Seaton

I am familiar with some of these names. Laurie Braaten is a former professor at Eastern Nazarene College. Keegan Osinski is a radical promoter of LGBTQ agenda and same sex marriage. Some of these people are or were ordained elders in the Church of the Nazarene. All of these scheduled speakers are contributors to the new Oord book.

Impact on General Assembly

The influence of Oord and his minions most likely has inspired some districts to submit proposals that will further weaken the church statement on Human Sexuality. By emboldening these people so much with his public pronouncements, there could be an all-out war at the assembly, waged by various proposals that will insert LGBTQ/homosexual-favorable language into the official Nazarene doctrine.

The pro-homosexual side will either win, or the biblical side will win. There cannot be two winners in this debate. It will be interesting to see what will happen when either side loses the battle. (Any compromise similar to what eventually ripped apart the United Methodist Church is a losing move by the Nazarene church).

In the meantime, ask your own pastor, “where do you stand on the issue of homosexuality? Is it a sin, or not? Are you in favor of same sex marriage?” The answer may tell you a lot about your pastor that you did not know, or it will confirm that he is a solid Bible-believing pastor. I think a lot of members will be surprised at the answer they get. And please persist in asking for a clear answer if you need to.

An article titled “Letter of Accusation Against a False Teacher” was written on May 1, 2023 By Pastor Jared Henry, an ordained elder in the Nazarene denomination. The full letter with all the details of the accusations, and the evidence of Oord’s false teaching, can be found at Pastor Jared’s blog. Below is an excerpt of that post. Pastor Jared should be commended for calling Oord out publicly, and more pastors are needed who will not stay silent. Sadly, there are Nazarene pastors who are now vilifying him for speaking the truth.

Letter of Accusation Against a False Teacher

By Pastor Jared Henry

In October of 2021, ten ordained elders in the Church of the Nazarene followed the steps outlined in our denominational Manual of polity to file a formal letter of accusation against Tom Oord. In this article, you will be able to read the letter of accusation we sent to his District (the Intermountain District of the Church of the Nazarene) as well as Oord’s response to these accusations. The intended outcome of such a letter is discipline and, in this case, the removal of Oord’s credentials.

After a few months, I was contacted in March of 2022 and told that, through the process, it was found that “neither the accusations, nor evidence met the criteria for probable grounds for charges moving forward” so the District Advisory Board of the Intermountain district had no plans at that time to move forward on the issue. Oord’s credentials were not removed. No action was taken at that time; even after listening to Oord’s own words in his response shared below.

Oord’s response provided ample evidence of his views on various subjects that put him outside of the Church of the Nazarene’s faith and practice. In fact, he does not deny he wants to change the Church’s stance on human sexuality from our historic and biblical stance. Since the events of late 2021 and early 2022, Oord has put out two recent books. The first one is a claim that God is not all powerful (against omnipotence) and the second is a book he edited to promote his agenda of pushing for the Church of the Nazarene to be more LGBTQIA+ affirming. More evidence is readily available for Oord to lose his credentials in the Church of the Nazarene. But how much evidence do we really need to do the right thing in this situation?

The Board of General Superintendents recently put out a ruling that clarified that, among other things, the statement on human sexuality was an essential statement. Their ruling verbatim was: “The Articles of Faith, the Covenant of Christian Character, and the Covenant of Christian Conduct, are essential statements of the doctrine of the Church of the Nazarene, as well as those portions of the Manual pertaining to what we believe and how we live in light of those beliefs.”

It is important to be aware that the real problem at hand does not specifically have anything to do with Tom Oord. Most everyone within the Church of the Nazarene perceives his theology and agenda problematic, if not anti-Nazarene. But there will always be people like Oord who seek to undermine orthodoxy and orthopraxy within the church universal. The history of the church, including the New Testament, makes us keenly aware that he is only one among a long line of false teachers. The troubling thing about all of this, and the real issue at hand, is the lack of ability from some leadership to deal with this problem: Oord maintains his status as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene. 

The questions keep coming to mind: Why does Oord still have his credentials? 

Turmoil, confusion, and division are the fruits of allowing one to remain who is not willing to hold to their elders’ vows. 

Why can’t this be handled? Fear of angry voices on social media? Nepotism? Legal lawsuits? Bureaucratic red tape?

Continued at Pastor Jared Henry’s blog:    Formal Accusation, and Thomas Oord’s Response

Also by Pastor Jared:

Some Cautions For the Church of the Nazarene: Part 1

Some Cautions For the Church of the Nazarene: Part 2

This is a book that is now available on Amazon, and is a biblical counteraction to Thomas Oord’s unbiblical book.

Pastor Jared and other Nazarene elders have contributed to this book.

by Matt Friedeman (Author), Dr. Janet Dean (Author), Rev. Kevin Compton (Author), Dr. Brian Powell (Author), Rev. Alexander Largo (Author), Rev. Corey Jones (Author), Rev. Dale Hoffpauir (Author), Dr. Matt Ayars (Author), Rev. Jared Henry (Author), Elijah Friedeman (Editor)

Testimony Of A False Teacher In The Nazarene Denomination

Here is Thomas Oord’s “Testimony” from when he was a PhD Candidate.

Dr. Oord is a former professor of religion at NNU who is pushing for same-sex marriage in the Church of the Nazarene.
He was “investigated” sometime around january 2022 by District leaders, but nothing came of it, in spite of his many heresies and particularly his blatant support for homsoexuality and same-sex marriage. It is apparently very difficult to remove credentials from an ordained Nazarene elder in the Church of the Nazarene.

An Adventure in Christian Faith
Tom Oord Ph.D. Candidate in the Philosophy of Religion and Theology program at Claremont Graduate University. …

My journey to process thought has come by way of process theology. It is a journey energized by my faith adventure—an adventure that has mirrored some of the dominant theological movements of the 20th century.

When I attempt to ascertain what process thought means to me, I inevitably refer to my faith adventure. I grew up in a small, rural church that was a part of the American Holiness movement. It was in this setting that my first religious intuitions were fashioned. Like many who also grew up in this tradition, my initial theological conceptions revolved around moral codes and ethical standards. I remember as a second grader not participating in my class dance because it was “against my religion.”

Although Holiness theology need not evolve into Fundamentalism, I would characterize my teenage years as a period when I was a Fundamentalist. Some of these tendencies undoubtedly arose out of the lessons I was taught in Sunday school and some emerged in my bid to establish a solid basis upon which to argue against Mormon friends. I was passionate about my faith and an inerrant Bible was my double-edged sword for battle. Perhaps due to frustrations about failing to convert the Mormons, I went to college and chose to study psychology and social work.

My intent was to serve God by doing practical, compassionate ministry. It was in this field that I first read texts from liberation theologians such as Gustavo Gutierrez. From this exposure, I resolved to actively seek to address the concerns of the poor and disenfranchised. My desire to argue effectively for my faith did not die during those early college years. In fact, it increased. I felt compelled to trudge door to door sharing my faith in nearby neighborhoods. On weekends, I persuaded others to join me. We witnessed often in the streets and drinking establishments of a neighboring city.

Using “The Four Spiritual Laws” and beginning conversations with “If you were to die tonight…” I acted upon my feeling of obligation to preach the gospel “in season and out of season.” I found others who shared this obligation at a Campus Crusade for Christ group. I liked the group’s evangelistic passion and ecumenical posture.

Eventually, not having experienced the results I expected when sharing my faith and not agreeing with the tendency toward Calvinism I found in Campus Crusade, I turned to the Charismatic movement to find the power I seemed to lack. I appreciated how easily Charismatics identified the activity of God in their community and enjoyed the feeling of freedom I found in their worship. I actively sought to cultivate my spiritual gifts and found I was able to speak in tongues. Although I did not always agree that it was God alone who aroused these ecstatic demonstrations, it was refreshing to be in a community of Christians who were animated by their religious experiences.

The conversations I had with the variety of people I encountered while in the church, street, bar, or classroom led me to realize that issues of faith were more complex than I’d previously imagined. Through Bible study and in the years I spent studying New Testament Greek, I came to realize that Scripture could legitimately be interpreted to express different ideas.

My dogmatic tendencies, grounded in my belief that the Bible was inerrant, began to dissipate. I found myself moving toward espousing a more tolerant theology. After discovering how powerfully one’s experience shapes world-views, I found myself attracted to liberal theology in the form of Harry Emerson Fosdick. I liked the way Fosdick appealed to both the experience and rationality of his listeners. I also liked the way he could approach the Bible seriously—without slipping into inerrancy.

The biggest shock to my religious sensibilities, however, came in a philosophy of religion class my final year of college. Until then, I’d never really heard thoughtful argumentation by atheists, agnostics, and nonChristians. Finding myself pushed to decide which of my beliefs were essential and which were not, I turned to natural theology for help. Natural theology seemed a logical fit; after all, I had already spent much of my life trying to articulate my faith convincingly and had only recently been exposed to liberal theology.

By graduation, I’d become keenly aware that my faith adventure had taken me away from the Evangelical mainstream to which I belonged. The issues with which I struggled seemed of little or no consequence to my friends in the pews next to me. Feeling uneasy about this and also wanting a chance to get my hands dirty tackling everyday problems outside academia, I chose to postpone further formal education and became an associate pastor.

For four years I served a mid-size, conservative, Evangelical congregation. My experience there was similar to Karl Barth’s, since I too found a different set of issues in the parish than in the classroom. The optimism I’d discovered in Fosdick and liberalism did not fit here. Furthermore, the congregation was not wrestling with the problem of evil or hammering out arguments for the existence of God.

In my attempt to find intellectually sound solutions to the problems I found in the parish, I turned to the contemporary Catholic theologian Hans Küng. He offered helpful language with which to articulate responsible answers to these concrete questions. It was in this setting that I determined to set a course for my life by which I could receive training to help others asking similar faith questions. So, off to an Evangelical seminary I went.

My pastoral background proved helpful while in seminary by keeping me attuned to both practical and theoretical issues. Though my inclination was still toward classes in philosophy of religion, I continued to minister as an associate pastor in a young church. It was at the Masters level that I became thoroughly exposed to the ideas of those labeled “Neo-orthodox.” I read nearly all the influential texts, but Paul Tillich particularly impressed me. His attempts to correlate the gospel with the concerns of the culture, his creative use of symbols, the categories he used to explain human existence, and his systematic use of relevant philosophical categories were all inspiring. I especially appreciated his insistence that doubt can be an element of faith. However, it was the philosophy of being upon which his approach to theology was based that eventually led me to turn toward process thought.

I can still remember the excitement I felt when I first read John Cobb and David Griffin’s Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition. Although the technical language was difficult at the time, so many of the ideas I encountered seemed to fit. Many of the positions I had come to take with regard to theology I found in this book—and yet they offered more than I’d imagined.

Not long after, I read Daniel Day Williams’ The Spirit and the Forms of Love and my interest in process theology deepened. Here was a philosophical theology of love from which I could find so much help. Marjorie Suchocki’s God-ChristChurch was helpful as well. I found myself gobbling up all the process oriented books I could find and scouring their indices to discover other process resources.

In my final year of seminary I was introduced to Deconstruction through the writings of Jacques Derrida and Mark C. Taylor. I found Deconstruction wanting and my reading of Derrida only solidified my interest in process thought. The work of David Griffin was influential here as I probed deeper into the insights I had previously overlooked in Whitehead’s philosophy. Perhaps the most helpful aspect of my voyage into Deconstructive Postmodernism was to discover the speculative side of process thought.

Since my religious experiences have been so diverse, I have a great appreciation for Whitehead’s attempt to take all experience into account when developing a metaphysic. The process model allows me to acknowledge specific elements in each theological tradition as helpful and then appropriate them. For instance, I can hold fast to the erotic/passion I felt as a Fundamentalist without buying into an exclusivistic, narrow worldview. I can value the emphasis upon the Holy Spirit evident in the Charismatic movement without identifying all ecstatic manifestations as determined by God. I can treasure the Bible as the result of divine inspiration without asserting its inerrancy.

I can genuinely hope for the possibility of a better world in the future without succumbing to liberal, romantic optimism. Traditional notions of the omnipotence, omniscience, benevolence and omnipresence of God now make sense—though these attributes have been defined in new ways. And, of course, the black clouds that hung over my head with the words “problem of evil” etched on them have evaporated.

In sum, process thought has given me a framework out of which I can selectively appropriate my past without embracing those elements I find objectionable. In light of my adventure in faith, I am grateful for this.

The Removal Of A Dangerous Teacher Must Be Supported

If your pastor stood up at the pulpit and said to you that “God cannot know the future,” what would you think?

If your pastor stated also that “God makes mistakes and that He learns from those mistakes,” what would you think?

If your pastor said that Adam and Eve were simply allegorical tales, and that they were not really historical figures as written in the Bible, what would you think?

If your pastor stated to the congregation that Genesis 1-11 is not fact, and that we were really created through a wildly random process of “evolution,” what would you think?

I would hope that most Christians would be outraged, and would most likely call for the resignation of that pastor.  These are all unbiblical beliefs which should not be tolerate of any ordained minister in the church.

Well, Dr. Tom Oord, who is also an ordained elder in the Nazarene church, has been terminated from his position as a theology professor at Northwest Nazarene University.  I will be following up with another post regarding this outcome, but for now, I want to encourage every Christian on this list and who reads my blog, to go to the following link and express your support for the termination of this professor.  This is not a time to gloat or celebrate the loss of anyone’s job; yet this is also a time to feel some relief, that at least one more professor will not be allowed to teach heretical views to so many students at a Christian school.

I was there at ENC several years ago, when after a lecture by Dr. Oord, and after I quoted relevant scripture to him, he politely disagreed with my position on the origin of sin and death, and solidified my conclusion that he is a false teacher.  He is not alone, and I will expound on that next time.  But for now, I urge you to go to the website and express your support of his termination.  Although the official reason stated was regarding budgetary reasons, I hope and pray that the proper reason that should have been said, was that he was let go because of his anti-biblical views.

If you agree, please go to the site and support Dr. Alexander’s removal of a dangerous teacher:

For further information on Tom Oord’s (and others) false teachings: