Real Love Is Telling The LGBT About Freedom In Christ

“Shut up, you intolerant, bigoted Christian!”

The only way to counter the brainwashing of our children by the LGBT activists and radicals is to speak the Truth in love. They have been in an ongoing crusade to indoctrinate children and adults alike, and you see it everywhere. Indoctrination is the real goal of the LGBT activists, not just acceptance. A few years ago, Canadian gay activist Sason Bear Bergman (a woman who identifies as a man) said this in an interview: “I am here to tell you, all that time I said I wasn’t indoctrinating anyone with my beliefs about gay and lesbian and bi and trans and queer people? That was a lie.” Of course it was a lie. She also stated that she wants to make children “like us” even if that “goes against the way you have interpreted the teachings of your religion.”

A popular event that is spreading across the country is Drag Queen Story Hour, where readings are done in public libraries for little children by a man dressed like a woman. These libraries are becoming platforms for homosexual and transgender activists to promote their abnormal lifestyles to innocent children. The goal of these events is usually said to be for fostering inclusivity, tolerance, and acceptance of people of different lifestyles and beliefs. That sounds nice, but why is it that these promoters of “love and tolerance” never seem tolerant of any Christian who dares to state the Biblical teaching that homosexuality is a sin? Why do they explode with rage when former homosexuals testify to the freedom they have found in Jesus Christ from their bondage to homosexuality? Because they are NOT really tolerant as they claim; they are hypocrites. What they really are demanding is “embrace and celebrate us completely, or shut up, you intolerant bigoted Christian!” And these are the kinder words they will say to us.

We are paying the price now, after years of reassurance by the homosexual community that all they wanted was “acceptance” and “tolerance”. It was all a lie, and they knew it was. Well, they found their acceptance (it was never really lost), because true Christians and other decent human beings have always “accepted” them. But now we see the real agenda was a lot more than acceptance. The agenda is clearly two major goals; indoctrination of our children and of naïve parents; and to silence those who do not approve of their sinful lifestyle. They do not seek simply acceptance and tolerance; they seek approval and celebration of their sin, and nothing less will do.

Drag queen Dylan Pontiff said in an interview in 2018 that “”This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.” He is exactly right. There is no other agenda but what he was honest enough to state. In 2011, gay activist Daniel Villareal said this: “We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it. Recruiting children? You bet we are.” And way back in 1987, homosexual activist Michael Swift wrote in the Gay Community News and revealed the true intention of these radicals. He said “We shall seduce them in your schools…They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

In response to Mr. Pontiff’s efforts last year in Louisiana to indoctrinate innocent children, John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action stated: “Unfortunately, the Drag Queen Story Hour program is turning public libraries into platforms to advance the transgender revolution, places where pro-homosexual activists are given access to children as young as three. Instead of protecting the precious innocence of our children with wholesome stories, libraries are misusing our tax-dollars to harm their innocence. To attempt to dismantle and destroy the distinction between male and female is not only biologically ridiculous, but also a direct attack against God’s plan for us and for the family.  Everyone who loves the family should wake up, pray and push back.” One local parent also made this statement: “This is not about tolerance or anti-bullying. It is a direct and intentional effort to create gender confusion and doubt among very young children at the very time they need solid guidance and understanding. The intent is to plant a seed to make children more likely to question their sexuality or gender at a later age.”

The homosexual activists may call Christians hateful and intolerant for not accepting their lifestyle, but the word of God is settled in heaven and cannot be changed by anyone. It is better to warn them and be hated, than to be silent and complicit and be accepted by them. If a house is on fire, would you keep silent as the occupants are oblivious to the impending danger? But sadly, many professing but naïve and compromising Christians are joining this bandwagon, rejecting the word of God in order to appease the activists, afraid that they will be called hateful and bigoted. And yet, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” And the Lord also reminds us in Matthew 5:11 that “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”

So now, the radicals have hit closer to home for me and my family and church, such as what happened at the Fall River Public Library, where a drag queen read stories to very young children. This man (Naomi Chomski) is also a homosexual, and at this writing was re-scheduled to appear at a previously cancelled event at the Bristol, RI public library and was also to appear in New Bedford in late June. His Instagram page is quite explicit, and I wonder if its also okay for children to view it? I will post a link to it, and you can decide whether the content is acceptable for young kids also.

At Fall River Public Library

Many professing Christians have already capitulated, and decided to “just let it be” rather than say anything. I encourage them that they ought not to stay silent. Defend the faith, and even non-Christians who share our values can stand up and say no more “in-your-face” promotion of the homosexual agenda to little children.

Would Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia of Fall River also be okay with a prostitute coming to read to little kids? Would he let a pedophile read to three year olds? After all, their mantra is that “we need to accept all for who they are, and embrace diversity.” Where do you draw the line, Mr. Mayor? Is there anything that you will not approve of or allow? If the library administrators are for diversity, would they allow a pastor to come and do a Bible reading hour? I’ll volunteer for it right now. In the name of diversity, will you also allow a Christian flag to be flown at City Hall? In the efforts to promote “unity”, the mayor and all these activists are actually fostering division.

To these radical activists, I would ask them to stop forcing your ideology onto those of us who believe that homosexuality is a sin, and that transgenderism is a mental disorder. And especially, stop trying to indoctrinate innocent children with your rebellious sinful lifestyle. We are not haters, we are not intolerant. Respect our beliefs without calling us names. Real Christians have nothing but compassion and love for them, and will always accept them as any other person who needs the love and forgiveness of Christ. But we will not accept, approve of, or celebrate their lifestyle.

Instead, we ought to tell them that Jesus Christ can free them from the bondage of their slavery to sin. He can make them a new creation. That is what real love looks like.

Homosexuals redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ:

A link to Naomi Chomsky’s Instagram page (warning, graphic):

The exploitation of a young boy (Desmond) for profit by his own parents:

One response to “Real Love Is Telling The LGBT About Freedom In Christ

  1. This blog post shows yet another example that we are living in perilous times. It saddens me that too many are remaining silent while our children & grandchildren are being fed cultural lies…I understand the goal as I’ve read it on gay activists’ social media. They want to indoctrinate children while they’re young. They want to normalize the abnormal in the name of love & tolerance. We must not allow such to be the guide for anyone to follow for it is a path that leads to destruction.

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